Updated on: April 25, 2022

Effective on: April 30, 2022

Godox Flash is legally registered, owned and operated by Godox Photo Equipment Co.,Ltd. and its affiliated companies (Godox, the company, we, or us), through which we provide flash trigger related solutions and services to users.

You should read and abide by the Godox Flash User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as this Agreement) in order to use Godox Flash and its services. You must read carefully and fully understand the terms and conditions, especially the terms of exemption or limitation of liability.

You will not be able to use Godox Flash and its related services unless you have read and accepted all the terms herein. You are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement once you download, install and login. If you are under the age of 16, please read this Agreement and other above agreements under the guidance of legal guardian, and pay special attention to the terms of use for minors.


This Agreement is dedicated for you and Godox Flash regarding your download, installation, use, copying of Godox Flash, and use of its related services.


The service refers to the matched application version provided by Godox Flash (including but not limited to iOS and Android systems) you choosed for the device.

2.1 About the Account

2.1.1 Godox Flash and its related services provide registration channel, you have the right to choose a legal combination of characters as your account, and set a safety qualified password. Those account and password are the credentials to log in and use Godox Flash and its related services as a registered user.

2.2 Close the Account

You may apply to close your Godox Flash account only if you fulfill the following conditions:

(1) You can only apply to close your own Godox Flash account in according to the procedures;

(2) You should still be responsible for your behaviors before closing your account and in the using of the Godox Flash service;

(3) Account records and functions can not be resumed or provided after closing.

When closing your account, please open Godox Flash APP, go to 【Me】-【Account and Security】-【Close account】and follow the instructions.


3.1 Godox Flash can not guarantee the normal use and will not be responsible for any damages result from your obtaining the APP from an unauthorized third party or installing other APP with the same name. After downloading the APP, you should to follow the instructions prompted to install correctly.

3.2 In order to provide more high-quality and secure services, your personal information (including but not limited to profile name, phone number, location information, device information, camera, photo album, Bluetooth, network permissions, etc.) is required when installing Godox Flash.

3.3 You can uninstall Godox Flash if you no longer need to use it or need a new version.


4.1 In order to improve user experience and service content, Godox Flash will strive to develop new services and provide APP updates (include replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc.) from time to time.

4.2 In order to ensure the security and functional consistency of Godox Flash and its services, we reserve the right to update, change or limit certain of the functional effects without special notice.

4.3 The old version of Godox Flash may not be available for use after a new version is published. We can not guarantee the availability and corresponding services of the old version, please download the latest version in time.


5.1 Protection of user's personal information is a basic principle of Godox Flash. Except for stipulated by laws and regulations, Godox Flash will not disclose user's personal information to third parties without permission. In order to provide relevant service functions or improve technology and services, you may need to provide certain necessary information when registering an account or using the services, for which Godox Flash uses international standard encrypted storage and transmission methods to protect personal Information security.

5.2 Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, Godox Flash will not disclose your personal information to any other company, organization or individual without your consent.

5.3 Godox Flash pays great attention to the protection of minors' personal information. If you are a minor under the age of 16, you should obtain the prior written consent of your parent or legal guardian before using the services of Godox Flash.

5.4 The company provides technical support for the development and operation of Godox Flash, and enjoys all rights attached to the data and information generated during the development and operation of Godox Flash and its related services to the extent permitted by laws and regulations.


6.1 Godox Flash provides services to users for free, and there is no charge for downloading, installing, and using Godox Flash.

6.2 Notes to users: You understand and agree that, in order to provide effective services, you hereby permit Godox Flash to use the resources such as the processor and broadband of your mobile communication terminal device. You should enquiry the operator for the data traffic charges that may be incurred during the use of Godox Flash on your own.


You have agreed to use relevant services in this product by sharing or other means, during which you will assume all legal responsibilities arising from the risks caused by the following acts:

a. Violating the basic principles established by the constitution;

b. Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

c. Damaging the honor and interests of the state;

d. Inciting national hatred, national discrimination and undermining national unity;

e. Undermining the state's religious policies and propagate heresy and feudal superstition;

f. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting a crime;

g. Insulting or slandering others, or infringing upon the legitimate rights of others;

h. Containing other contents restricted or prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.


You shall use the APP reasonably to the extent permitted by laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

You have agreed not to do the following with this product:

a. Post or share computer viruses, worms, malicious code, software that intentionally damage or alter computer systems or data;

b. Unauthorized collection of other users' information or data, such as email addresses;

c. Malicious use of this product in an automated manner, placing an undue burden to the server or otherwise interfering with or damaging the website server and network links;

d. Attempts to access server data or communication data of this product without authorization;

e. Interfere with or disrupt the usage of other users of this product;

f. Unless permitted by laws or with the written permission of Godox Flash, you shall not delete information about intellectual property rights on Godox Flash and its copies, conduct reverse engineering, or otherwise attempt to discover its source code;

g. In response to your violation of this Agreement or other terms of service, the company has the right to independently judge and take advance warning, stop transmitting information immediately, delete contents or comments, ban account temporarily, restrict some or all functions of the account until it is terminated, close the account forever. The company does not assume any responsibility for the consequences of inability to use your account and related services normally, inability to normally obtain assets or other rights and interests in your account.


9.1 You understand and agree that Godox Flash and its related services are provided by the company according to the situation achieved by the existing technology and conditions. The company will do its best to provide services and ensure the continuity and security of services. You understand that the company cannot foresee and prevent legal, technical and other risks at any time or all the time, including but not limited to service interruption, inability to use Godox Flash and its related services, other losses and risks that may be caused by force majeure, network reasons, third-party service defects, third-party websites and other reasons.

9.2 You understand and agree that the company has the right to decide on the adjustment of service content/functions according to the specific requirements of overall service operation and platform operation security.

9.3 The final interpretation right of changes to this service belongs to Godox.


10.1 By using Godox Flash, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by the Godox Flash Agreement. Godox Flash reserves the right to modify the terms of this Agreement if necessary. You should stop using Godox Flash if you do not accept the revised terms.

10.2 If you have any questions, please send email to app@godox.com for assistance.